Articles - How to, guides, informational, etc.

Super Aito Virgin

by Luke Evslin

Moloka'i Solo 2004: Who's got what it takes?

In only four weeks is the race that the best of the best, paddlers from Hawaii, New Zealand, California, and possibly Tahiti and Europe have been training all year for. The Molokai World Championship is the most challenging race of the year, crossing 33 miles of one of the world’s roughest navigable channels. The competitors will need to combine endurance, strength, and technique equally along with surfing ability and ocean knowledge to even finish the race.

Make your own kelp cutter and Rex News

Ever had kelp or twigs stuck on your rudder? Check out this article. If anyone has done this, does it really work?
[Article] at Mudbrook Paddles

Outrigger Canoe Safety - What Every Paddler Needs to Know

Safety Gear
What every paddler needs to know
By: Skipper Rich Lagrand

Rudder & Cable Safety

by Steven Gates

I have had quite a few canoes in my shop with broken cables, some of which were caught out in the open ocean when it happened. For safety sake I think it is important for paddlers to be familiar with the steering systems of our OC1s. The basics...

P2 Paddles (low shoulder, pineapple blade, etc.), better?

I would like to know some of your opinions on P2 Paddles and are they really better the our standard run of the mill size paddle?

Ask ocPaddler: Double graphite boat vs kevlar-graphite?

Kevin asks "What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of a double graphite boat versus a kevlar-graphite boat? Mahalo"

Ask ocPaddler: Considering weight/size in boat purchase?

An anonymous reader asks: "When choosing an oc1 should the weight of the paddler determine the type of boat to purchase. What type would a 6'3" 240 pound male consider ????"

What's your advice? Post in the comments of this article.

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